Monday, July 31, 2006

Creator - II

I previously saw some factors that lead me to a creator. I think its time for defining the Creator in detail.

Instead of straight jacketing it in a rigid scientific definition, I prefer mentioning his characteristics in a loosely bound description.

The Creator is a necessary and sufficient condition for all observations that one makes.

If the universe follows any rigid rules (like it does) then the Creator must not have stopped after his creation. i.e. the Creator still oversees the functioning of the universe as the Controller. I think I will fuse these ideas of Creator and Controller and call them collectively as GOD.

GOD being an identity that is external to the universe, no laws of our nature are applicable to him making him almighty, omnipresent, indecipherable, et al. All streams of questioning must stop at GOD. i.e. GOD is not questionable by any of us.

Previously I discussed the necessity of GOD. Here I have attempted to define him. In the next post I will take it further and try to destroy my own conclusions on this issue.


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